Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Our World Years Ago...

  • Critical Think Question:
The plate tectonics is the piece of crust where exist life, can be the ocean or continental crust. Exist different plates tectonics because a long time ago this pieces where together, however with the pass of the years they separated, as cause of the earthquakes, and other factors. A theory called the Continental  Drift, is based on the shape of the continents, which are like a puzzle, because if we join all of them together we can see how all of them works. So, it means that years ago the formed only one piece, called Pangea. Also, to support this theory some rest of fossils, bones of animals death many years ago, where found in different continents, but they came from the same specie of animal. For other hand, we can proof this theory with the range of mountains, and deserts, which when we join the continents continued in the other. In my opinion, this theory is right, because it has many evidences, which support the statement about that a long time ago only one continent existed, Pangea.

  • Reflection: 
  1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

    The part of the project that I liked the most was do the Model, because I like the materials that I used. And I like the way that I worked on it.

  2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

    The most difficult part was create the quiz sheets, it is always hard for me, because I don;t have idea what kind of questions ask for. I just try to think like a teacher, however it is still hard!

  3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

    A new skill that I got from this project was learn more about our world long years ago, and also know more about the "history" of it.

  4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.   
 I think that I could improve my writhing skills, I know that I can do it more better. I could ask some one the next time to check my spelling and structure. It could help to present a work more clean and kind of professional.   

   5.What would you change about this project?

If I could change something about this project will be to work in pairs or groups of three, it could be faster and more fun. 

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