Saturday, October 27, 2012

Crystals and Minerals

Mineral Properties:
1.Luster - Metallic or Non-Metallic.

2. Hardness - A measure of how easily of mineral scratches.

3.Color - The color that the mineral looks like.

4. Streak - Powder color of a mineral.

5. Cleavage - Mineral that breaks evenly.

6. Fracture - Mineral that breaks unevenly.

7. Composition - What is inside of the mineral.

8. Other Properties - Ex. Magnetic 

Mineral Identification:
Mineral - Bornite

 Luster -  Metallic
Hardness -  3
Color - Bronze brown, Purple, little red.
Streak - Grayish Black
Composition -  Cu5 FeS4
Fracture (Unevenly)
Other Properties - Magnetic after heating

Mineral - Limonite

 Luster -  Non Metallic
Hardness -  4
Color - Brown and yellow
Streak - Yellowish brown
Composition -  FeO(OH)·nH2O
Fracture (Unevenly)
Other Properties -  Non Magnetic

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