Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rock Types

Rock Cycle:
Magma/Lava goes outside of the volcano, lava becomes into igneous rock by cooling. Because the weathering and erosion, the rock is broke down into small pieces called sediments. The sediments are deposited at specific place,which are moved by erosion, the sediments start to be squeezed, are compacted and holding together, cementation. The sediments become into sedimentary rocks. The sedimentary rock becomes into metamorphic rocks, because the heat and the pressure. Finally, because the high heat, metamorphic rock becomes  into magma, goes inside of the volcano, and the cycle begin again.

Rock Types:

Metamorphic Rock - A rock from other existent by the process called metamorphism.
Magma/ Lava - Hot liquid rock inside of the volcano/ hot liquid outside of the volcano.
Solidification- The process of cooling.
Igneous Rock - A rock formed by solidification of magma/lava.
Weathering - Process by the rock breaks down into small pieces.
Erosion - Process by the sediments are transported.
Sediments - Small pieces from existent rocks.
Compaction - Process by the sediments are squeezed.
Cementation - Process by the sediments hold together, like glue.
Sedimentary Rock - Rock formed by sediments, that are deposited by lies.

Igneous Rock 

Intrusive - Rock solidifies slowly within the crust of a planet.

Extrusive - Rocks formed at the crust surface as a result of melting of rocks within the mantle and crust.

Sedimentary Rocks

Clastic - Rock formed by small piece of existent rocks.

Crystalline - Rock formed by the precipitacion of minerals from a water solution. 

Bioclastic - Rock formed by rest of animal or plants death.

Metamorphic Rocks

Foliated - Rock which is arranged  by layers.

Non - Foliated - Rock which is not arranged by layers.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Crystals and Minerals

Mineral Properties:
1.Luster - Metallic or Non-Metallic.

2. Hardness - A measure of how easily of mineral scratches.

3.Color - The color that the mineral looks like.

4. Streak - Powder color of a mineral.

5. Cleavage - Mineral that breaks evenly.

6. Fracture - Mineral that breaks unevenly.

7. Composition - What is inside of the mineral.

8. Other Properties - Ex. Magnetic 

Mineral Identification:
Mineral - Bornite

 Luster -  Metallic
Hardness -  3
Color - Bronze brown, Purple, little red.
Streak - Grayish Black
Composition -  Cu5 FeS4
Fracture (Unevenly)
Other Properties - Magnetic after heating

Mineral - Limonite

 Luster -  Non Metallic
Hardness -  4
Color - Brown and yellow
Streak - Yellowish brown
Composition -  FeO(OH)·nH2O
Fracture (Unevenly)
Other Properties -  Non Magnetic

Friday, October 12, 2012

About Me

1. Science is a subject which teachs to us about our environment.
2. I like to listen music.
3. Pigeons scare me.
4. Croquettes are my favorite food.
5. I will be a doctor or teacher, when I grow up.
6. I have 1 sibling.
7. My favorite color is black.
8. My favorite thing to do is sleep.
9. Watch out for don't forget to do the homework.
10. I wish to become a great person, and can help to others.